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80s, Creepshow, Horror, horror movie, movie, Pop Culture, Retro, Stephen King, throwback design tshirts, throwback tees, vintage -

Creepshow, for those that don't know, is an all time classic 80's horror movie. The comic book feel of the movie, the great stories along with the amazing hand crafted SFX make this a must watch classic horror film. The term, "classic movie", gets thrown around a lot to describe one's favorite film for whatever personal feeling they may have for it. With that said, how can I justify my claim that Creepshow is a "classic horror movie"? This was like an all-star team here. Of course we have the great story (stories) and fine actors and actresses. The film's ensemble cast includes Hal...

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70s, 80s, cartoons, Pop Culture, Retro, Saturday Morning Cartoons, throwback design tshirts, throwback tees, Trivia, TV, vintage -

Many of us that grew up in the 70's and 80's probably do not watch cartoons now a days but I bet you get this rush of excitement when you see a cartoon back from your childhood. Maybe because we, as kids, were more limited on our cartoon viewing than kids today. We had to wait until Saturday Morning to watch our favorite cartoons.  I feel that we had to, in a sense, work for the priviledge of watching our cartoons. We had to make sure our homework and chores were done before the cartoons started or you were not...

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